Roadies 9-Auditions
Judges- In your application you have written down about your that so important to u?does that define you??
Girl- No.nothing as such.i just wrote it. :)
Judges- OK.we have heard about you before this personal interview, in group discussion my friend karan said a lot about have said something."Premarital sex is against god and culture" Do you believe this??
Girl- yes, I do.It's against our culture.we live in this country.before anything else our culture and family traditions are important to is so important to live according to our culture and is not good to be open to everything.OUR CULTURE!!!.Our country is still recognize as a respectable,great country because of our culture.
Judges - Who told you that??Which country you are talking about??that's what you understand as the country??How do you know??
Girl- It's our we know.
Judges- are correct.who told you that the thing "Sex" is a bad thing??
Girl- No.I mean it should not be done in open.
Judges- who is going to do it in open???
So you said India is known for its culture and Tradition all around the world.So do you think In our country there is no premarital sex happening??
Girl- Behind the closed doors everything is happening.
Judges- But still our country is recognize as a respectable country??? so what is the connection between premarital sex and the reputation of the country??? let me ask you one thing.A girls wears a short dress and a boy harass it that girl's fault??
Girl- yes.because girls want guys to look at them.
Judges- Have guys ever harassed you??
Girl - yes.they have.
Judges- Have you worn fully covered or were you half naked??what were you wearing,suit ?? or jeans??
Girl - no.i was fully covered.i was wearing a jean.
Judges- Do you feel like you have given a bad signal by wearing a jean??
Girl- no.
Judges- but still they harassed you??
ok.let's forget about it.
Judges- rapes......A woman's pride goes down in vain??
Girl- yes.
Judges- Imagine.4 guys raping a girl and she is wearing a really short skirt.who's fault?? is that girls' or boys who did it???
Girl- the girls' fault.
Judges- think that the same girl was wearing a saree and 4 guys raping her.who's fault it is now??
Girl- Boys'.
Judges-, a boy wearing a short.getting raped by a gang.who's fault??
Girl- The gang.
Judges-Ok. now what you are saying is, in the same situation,when a girl gets raped it's girls fault.but if a guy gets raped it is rapists' fault. How it is possible??
Girl- What did the boy do wrong???
A girl is wearing a short skirt and getting raped by a gang and you are telling me it is girl's fault??
Judges- do u know there are some countries,they don't allow women to wear lipstick,they should cover their faces???
Judges-is that a right thing???
Girl- No.
Judges- Why??
Girl-women should live as they wish.
Judges- Now do u understand women have a right to wear what they want??? people like you will stay the same. We do not get anything out of changing the way you think. But because of this thinking people out side around the world spit on us. this thinking called regressive